Thursday, December 25, 2008

Paralegal Internships or Strategic Human Resource Management

Paralegal Internships: FInding, Managing and Transitioning Your Career

Author: Ruth Ellen Post

Paralegal Internships is a practical guide for pursuing a paralegal internship in a law office, government agency, corporate, legal department, courthouse, or other law-related setting. It covers all stages of the internship experience, including identifying learning objectives, finding the "right office," managing "office politics," self-monitoring, documentation and, finally, how to use the internship to land a permanent job. There are questionnaires, checklists, practice exercises, worksheets, report forms, and anecdotal examples throughout the book.

Table of Contents:
Introduction. PART I Finding the Right Setting: What are Your Learning Objectives? Choose Your Destination. Paid or Unpaid: Resolving Compensation Issues. Lining Up the "Right" Office. PART II Beginning the Job: Ensuring a Smooth Start. The Meaning of "Professional". Buidling Alliances. Basic Office Systems. PART III Mastering the Job: Managing Assignments. Managing Your Time. "Managing" Your Boss. Managing Client Relationships. PART IV Staging the Transition: Why Document Your Learning: An Introduction. What to Document: Identifying New Skills. How to Document: Instructions and Samples. Using Documented Skills in Your Job Search. APPENDIX

Read also

Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action

Author: Michael Armstrong

There is often a gap between the rhetoric of Strategic Human Resource Management and the reality of strategy in action. This highly regarded, fully updated book provides practical guidance on implementing the complex HR strategies formulated by many practitioners, academics and consultants in recent years.

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